Robyn + Jeff
Fall Engagement
I first met Robyn about 5 years ago…
when she was the bridesmaid at another wedding I was shooting. I instantly thought “What a character! I know we’re going to get along”.
Robyn is a drama teacher (the perfect job for her), and we recently crossed paths again when I was visiting the school she works at to do some photography.
[Enter Stage Left] JEFF PINSKY
Who is it that would steal the heart of our fair maiden, but non-other than drama teacher Jeff. “From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, a pair of star crossed lovers…” Ok, so this isn’t the most appropriate quote, but I wanted to fit “star crossed lovers” in somewhere and we can ignore the part about them being foes and also the part I left out after the word lovers…(you’ll have to look that up if you’re interested) But enough about this… And now back to our regularly scheduled programming!!
Centennial Park was an obvious choice as a location for their casual session. The backdrop is beautiful and varied, and it also happened to be where Jeff proposed just 5 months ago!
These two are soulmates if ever I’ve seen them, and I consider myself extremely lucky to be the one to capture this journey with them. I wish you both the best of luck, and fingers crossed you will get the wedding of your dreams next year!
To book your own casual shoot, just click the button below!